Pets and Disasters: Get Prepared

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

In the event of a disaster, if you must evacuate, the most important thing you can protect your pets is to evacuate them, too. Leaving pets behind, even if you try to create a safe place for them, is likely to result in their being injured, lost, or worse. So prepare now for the day when you and your pets may have to leave your home.

The details..

Pets are an important part of our lives, but they also depend on us for their safety and well-being. In Pets and Disasters: Get Prepared, the American Red Cross provides essential information that every pet owner needs in order to be prepared when disaster strikes. The book covers everything from creating a disaster plan that includes your pets, finding safe places where you can take them during an emergency evacuation, assembling a portable pet disaster supplies kit, knowing what to do as a disaster approaches and caring for birds or other pocket pets in an emergency.

One of the most important things you can do is have a safe place ready where you can take your pets if you need to evacuate. This means doing research ahead of time by contacting hotels or motels outside your immediate area about their policies regarding accepting animals in case of emergencies. You should also ask friends or relatives who live outside the affected area whether they could shelter your animals if needed.

Another critical aspect covered by this book is preparing an easily accessible Pet Disaster Supplies Kit containing items such as medications (stored in waterproof containers), sturdy leashes/harnesses/carriers, current photos of each animal along with feeding schedules/medical conditions/behavior problems/veterinarian contact info., food/water bowls/litter pans/can openers/cat litter/potable water etc., bedding/toys (if transportable) etc.

The final section discusses specific instructions on how best to care for different types of animals during evacuations - such as transporting birds securely using travel cages/carriers wrapped up warmly; snakes being transferred into more secure housing once at evacuation sites; small mammals like hamsters needing carriers suitable for maintaining them while sheltered; house lizards following similar directions as birds etc.

Resource Info

Page count: 3
Size: 14kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills